Farm security

Protecting your property

In farming and rural areas, protecting your livelihood and ensuring the security of your property and livestock is paramount. Wi-Sky are able to provide comprehensive farm security solutions that offer you peace of mind.

It’s about using your Wi-Sky internet to monitor and safeguard your property.

Security – Home and Farm

Our state-of-the-art security systems are designed to monitor vehicle access, protecting your property from unauthorized entry.

We also offer advanced surveillance solutions to keep a watchful eye on your most valuable assets – your home, livestock & equipment, and farm buildings.

We are able to create secure monitoring enabling you to keep an eye on things at all times. This is a way of taking your existing Wi-Sky internet and adding value to this connectivity so that your home, farm buildings and sheds, and livestock can be protected.

Our unlimited download plans ensure you will always have the data you need without worrying about a cap or excess charges.

Wi-Sky we’re now taking you beyond just getting internet service, we can provide enhanced connectivity that transforms the way you work and live on your farm.